Monday, November 19, 2012


A soul in Hell... or a scratch in your car?

Your missing the worship service... or missing a day's work?

A sermon that's 10 minutes long... or  lunch half hour late?

A church not growing... or your garden not growing?

Your Bible unopened... or your newspaper unread?

The church work being neglected... or housework neglected?

Missing a good Bible study.... or your favorite TV program?

The millions who do not know Christ... or your inability to
keep up with your neighbors.

The cry of the multitude for bread... or your desire for another piece
of German chocolate cake?

Your tithes decreasing...or your income decreasing?

Your children late for Sunday School and Church...or late for
public school?


"LORD, disturb me and make me reflect on the more significant things in
life.  Remind me that people are more important than things, and Your Word
the most important of all.  As You guide me let me choose to do Your will
and follow what is right.  Leave me not to walk alone.  May Your wisdom
guide me as ever, for I dare not trust my own.  What will I gain if going
my own way I'd miss Your great plan for me?  Break my will to match Yours,
Lord, so that I may be one with You in everything I choose to think and do."

                       Shared by Joe Gatuslao
                       Bacolod City, Philippines


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