Saturday, November 24, 2012

                                    YOU DECIDE

      Did you know that there are three levels on which God can deal with you and that we must determine that level? You must decide: Is God going to treat me like a thing, like an animal, or like one of His own children? You will find this in Psalm 32. God had to treat David like a thing (a sponge), and God's hand was heavy on him (v. 34). David was rebelling. He was not acting like God's child. Instead of confessing his sin, he was covering his sin. But the Bible says, "He who covers his sins will not prosper" (Prov.
28:13). So what did God do?  He had to treat David like a thing. He just put His hand on David and began to squeeze all the life out of him. David finally woke up and confessed his sin.
      God also had to treat David like an animal. (Ps. 32:9). God warns us, "Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you" (v.9). David had acted like a horse when he sinned. Impulsively he rushed ahead and sinned. And then he became stubborn like a mule and would not confess his sin. So God had to deal with him...      But God wants to deal with us like children. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye [on you]" (vs.8). God doesn't want to control us with bits and bridles, although sometimes He has to do that. Sometimes He...[allows] sickness or a
handicap, or an accident to break our wills. He says, "I'd  much rather guide you with My eye on you. I'd much rather instruct you." You can instruct a horse or a mule to a certain extent -- but not the way you can a child....
    Oh, how much He loves you!  He wants to work in you and through you and for you to bring about His very best in your life today.
How is God dealing with you today? Are you being rebellious or stubborn?  Will you choose to submit to Him and confess your sins?

* DEAR GOD, I know that You want to treat me like Your child; You  love me
with an everlasting love. I want to be treated like your child,
too.  Please transform me and make me be truly deserving of Your love. Take
away the rebellious and stubborn spirit in me. Let me not cover my sins
anymore. I can live an adulterous life and hide under the shroud of
convenience and rationalization. I can lie  and cover up my lies one after
the other but this only brings me to a world of illusions, of make believe.
Oh Lord, there is nothing I can hide from You. Direct my life and grant me
a contrite spirit. Teach me to be true to You by being true to my spouse,
to my children, my family, and to each one You have brought into my life.
You said, "The truth shall set you free,"  so please set me free from this
bondage of sin as You inspire me to live a life of truth and love.  Lord,
all this I ask because I have hurt You...because I love You!.


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