Wednesday, November 21, 2012


                               FOR THE MOMENT
       Sigmund Freud's favorite story was about the sailor shipwrecked on one of the South Sea islands. He was seized by the natives, hoisted to their shoulders, carried to the village and set on a crude throne.       Little by little, the sailor learned that it was their custom once each year to make some man a king, king for a year. He liked it until he began to wonder what happened to all the former kings.       Soon he discovered that every year when his kingship was ended the king was banished to an island, where he starved to death. The sailor did not like that; but he was smart and he was king for a year. So...
       He put his carpenters to work making boats, his farmers to work transplanting fruit trees to the island, masons building houses. So when his kingship was over, he was banished, not to a barren island, but to an island d of abundance.
       It was a good parable of life. We're all kings here for a little while, able to do what we should do with...       THE STUFF OF LIFE. One of life's great equalizers is time. Each of us is given twenty-fours a day and  just one life to do our thing--for
better or for worse...."Counting time is not nearly as important as making it count." How do we spend our time?        The stuff of life is relationship. The success of every human
endeavor...depends on relationships. Healthy relationships turn arguments into agreements, which in turn stimulate individuals/group progress and success...Is that all there is to life?" Let's see.        THE HEART OF THE MATTER. The sailor in Freud's story was no profligate (if you remember the movie "Alfie" starring Michael Caine),
Alfie wasted his time having a good time as he lived for the moment. Doing it now because it feels good---hang the consequence--is the tragic preoccupation of many..."What is popular is not always right; what is right is not always popular."
       Going back to our king for a year, he spent all the precious time available to him preparing to prevent a recurring tragedy as he turned time on his hands into an opportunity for abundance.        ...The right direction makes for the right train of thought that leads to a better life. What better direction can we get if not for the One
who said, "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go." And "In everything that you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success." NOW, is the real stuff of life...Between you and real success is a straight  life...the straightening and strengthening of relationships in the spirit  and dynamic of Christ's "Love one another as I have loved you"...[We need] His love, His way, His wisdom, His peace and His power to effect right
relationship...The stuff that real success is rooted on.
       "...Without true love we just exist, Alfie. Until you find the love you have missed, you're nothing, Alfie. When you walk let your heart lead the way, and you'll find the love any day, Alfie, Alfie..."

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