Thursday, November 22, 2012


                          STAYING FAITHFUL

       There was once a certain man who walked out into the middle of a
field where he would not be interrupted by anyone. He raised his arms
toward heaven, then with tears streaming down his face, trembling with fear, he
began to shout. He, with all the strength in his being shouted out to God
saying "I just can't take it anymore. I have been used, abused, beaten,
cursed, laughed at, lied to, and sneered on. I have tried to love exactly
how You asked me to. I have turned the other cheek hundreds, even a
thousand times until my cheeks ache. I have given even when I had to borrow
so another might survive. I have prayed and cried for many who do not know
You God. Oh God...I am tired, worn out, and discouraged trying to fight the
evil that buffets my soul. I feel You have turned from me God, I feel like
this is more than I can do! God, do You really even care!"

Then he heard a voice speak softly within his troubled heart. The voice
said, "Yes I am here, I have never left. You know nothing of how many souls
have watched you in your struggles, your pain, and your perseverance. You
know nothing of how many souls have turned to Me because you have stood
against the wiles of evil, not breaking, but standing firm. Many have seen
your pain because of your testimony of Me and they will stand without
excuse before Me because of your life before them!"

The voice continued within this man and said, "If I ask of too much pain
from you for the sake of other souls, then go into your house and do
nothing; I will find another who is willing to give for the sake of lost
souls. I will find another who will walk through the suffering and pain
even as I allowed pain and suffering in Paul, Peter, and all those who went
into this world of sickness and evil so others might know Me!"

The man fell upon his face ashamed and then the love of God lifted him to
his feet. He looked up to heaven as his entire being began to experience a
refreshing and a new strength. He whispered, "Lord, I am ready to go back
and love; even unto death."  And as he walked away, he heard a voice say,
"Well done My faithful friend."
There are moments in life when we feel that we have reached our limits with
the trials and tribulations of life. It is important that we remember that
God has given us a special strength to endure and persevere and continue on
despite these hardships that befall us. I encourage you to gird yourself up
and recognize God's strength that lies within your spirit and be determined
never to give in or give up. God has you in the palms of His hand and
nothing by any means shall be able to overtake you. Rest in this promise
and know that God is with you. (2 Corinthians 12:8-10) (Psalm 91:2-4)...
Never allow the enemy to discourage your heart  and make you feel like
giving up on being a witness and an example of the Lord. Your reward in
eternity will greatly outweigh this light affliction that seems so great
right now.

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