Wednesday, November 21, 2012


                                              ARE YOU A CHAMELEON?

We all have a bit of the lizard in us!  A chameleon changes colors according to whatever it's standing on. If it's standing on a green leaf, it's skin becomes green. If it's standing on dirt, it becomes brown. He blends in for the sake of self-preservation.

We, too, like to blend in with our surroundings for the sake of protecting ourselves. If we're around faith-filled Christians, we let our faith-colors show, but if we're mingling with cuss-mouthed, complaining, unspiritual people, instead of bringing our faith into the situation and glowing with prayer and humility and gestures of peacefulness, we end up looking just like the others. If Jesus were to walk into the room while you're with them, would He recognize you as one of His friends?

In our selfishness, we choose to blend in rather than look different, because when we stand out from the crowd, we become prey to lizard-eating snakes. Our desire to have an easy life is stronger than our desire to bring Christ's salvation to the people around us -- especially when the issues are controversial and speaking up will guarantee persecution or rejection.

How often have we done the same sort of thing? It's difficult to stand firm for the kingdom of God, because once we take an unpopular stand, those who don't like what we're saying start to discredit us more and more, and eventually, they refuse to trust us for anything -- unless, of course, they like what they hear.

May we truly mean what we say in the psalm: "Teach me your laws, O Lord." Yes! "Remove from me the way of falsehood." Education is the key. "Sinners wait to destroy me, but I pay heed to Your decrees." Help us to stand firm, O God!

Look at this scene in the Gospel [John 6:1-14]. Jesus was still reeling from the effects of hearing the sad news that His dear cousin, John the Baptist, was beheaded for daring to speak the truth to King Herod about his invalid marriage. Jesus knew that He, too, was going to be killed for standing firm on the truth. He knew that His disciples were going to be persecuted for the same reason. But look at what He demonstrated at that moment in His life. Rather than selfishly worrying, He reached out to the needs of the hungry crowds.
In so doing, He also reached out to the needs that you and I have. By multiplying the meager loaves and fish, He showed us that He will take care of us. He will sustain us. We don't need to selfishly protect our lives from persecutors, because anything that really matters comes from Him. It hurts to be rejected when we stand firm on the truth, but God's love for us is much more powerful than any person's dislike of us.

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