Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Dear Lord,
      Helps us to resolve these conflicts about children. These appalling differences about discipline and dating. About allowances, schoolwork. I think my husband is much too strict. He thinks I'm too lenient. And we're both so sure we're right.
      Yesterday, for instance -- I was shocked at the way he jumped our son about his grades. And last night, though I'd given our daughter permission, he said no, she could not go to the party after the football game.      We fought about it for hours. Knowing, even as we quarreled, that both of us want only what's best for our children. Because we love them.  Almost as much as we love each other.       And that's the irony-- that love should be so divisive. Love should mean union. Yet it's tearing us apart. Worse, it's tearing the children themselves in two.
     God, forgive us. Give us the common sense and the will power not to argue or even discuss these issues before the children any more. And please show us a way to stop these conflicts.     Maybe, if my husband and I get away for a while, we could cease being
adversaries and rediscover each other as people. Two people who do love each other. With a little peace and privacy we could pray about our differences. Not ask you to act as referee, but merely to show us what is truly best for these children you sent us, and how we can work together for them in harmony. As a team.
     Meanwhile, Lord, I'm praying for that very thing.      Help me to realize the first thing we've got to get rid of is the blind conviction we both have that we're always right.
     Help me to remember that a man has experiences and insights that a woman may not comprehend, but that she'd better heed. And make my husband more aware of the values of my instincts and knowledge as a woman.     Surely, with a little patience and understanding, our separate natures can complement each other, Lord. So that the things that now divide us can actually draw us closer. And the love that was once strong enough to create the miracle of these lives, can unite us in a way that is just as wonderful, to give them the guidance they need.      Thank you for this revelation and this promise, Lord.

By Marjorie Holmes

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