Wednesday, November 21, 2012


                                                                MY  DADDY  IS  A  SOLDIER

To the soldiers who are already overseas in battle torn countries, and those waiting for the order to leave I want you to know that my heart is with you and your families at this terrifying time, and whether I agree or not with the decision to go to war, I will always stand beside you, in heart and mind if not in body. The sacrifices you have and will make as a soldier can never be repaid, for they are beyond price, beyond recompense.
For the willingness to sacrifice your own life for others is the greatest gift one person can give for another. I pray that you will never have to make that sacrifice for me and those I love.
I decided today to sit down and write a poem for all the children who has a daddy, or mommy, fighting in another country. In the poem I put daddy, but it can be changed to mommy for those who's mommy is overseas.

My daddy is a soldier
he's often gone away
to some far off country
where he has to stay.
I really miss my daddy
and I'm not sure what he does
except he helps other people
who need him very much.
At night when I say my prayers
I ask to keep daddy safe
so that he can come home to us
and sit in his favourite place.
Some nights I can hear mommy cry
when she thinks I'm asleep
I know she misses daddy
and her sadness hurts real deep.
I know that a day may come
when daddy won't come home
and it scares me even thinking
that we will be alone.
My daddy is a soldier
he's often gone away
And I am so very proud of him
each and every day.
Come home to us daddy
When your job is done
I know that those people needed you
But they aren't the only ones.

written by Maria Sutherland, April 7, 2003

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