Thursday, November 22, 2012


"Oxymoron Central"
By: Zach Wood
James 1:2
 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds.”

We've heard many oxymorons during our lifetime: Sumo Shrimp, Battle of  Little Bighorn, Good Grief, Pretty Ugly, Same Difference and many others.  These tend to make us laugh and chuckle at the "creative minds" who came up with the so-called sayings.

As I consider this Scripture, it immediately puts into my mind an oxymoron situation.  In my sermon this past Sunday morning, I used this verse in a message about how we need to learn to suffer successfully.  It's an inevitable part of life and we need to learn how to deal properly and see the joy in how God can still comfort us, use us and make our faith grow.  As I pondered this Scripture more and more, it still logically makes NO sense to me at all.  "Consider it pure joy.....when you face trials?"  Who looks forward to waking up in the morning and having a day full of struggle and grief?  It's obvious none of us do.

So, what's up with this statement by James about our trials in life?  The two thoughts (pure joy and trials) just don't seem to belong in the same sentence.  Is there something God knows that we don't?  I think so.  The sentence makes no logical sense.  However, in God's Kingdom and understanding, it's all about our growth in the relationship we have with Him.
We can experience pure joy in the midst of our trials if we believe with our hearts that God is using those times to stretch, mould us, reshape who we are and make us grow in our faith so that we become stronger than ever before!  Take a look at verse 3, "Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."  Trials and pain are unavoidable paths in
life.  We do more damage to ourselves by avoiding them rather than going through them with the Lord's help and enduring with greater strength.
Yes, this Scripture will always be an oxymoron to me.  However, since I'm a Child of God, I can understand that spiritually, not logically, He helps me realize that joy can be found in any situation I suffer through because it develops perseverance in my life.

It's hard to understand some of the things God tells us in His Word.  Much of what He says a lot of times just doesn't make logical sense.  But aren't you glad you do know Him and have that assurance that He knows what He's talking about even when you can't fully understand?  Trust Him in the those times and watch the growth process take place in your life.  It's unlike
anything else we can experience while on this earth.

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