Thursday, November 22, 2012



Cf. Mathew 5,38-45: We still revolt when we read these words, often not even stopping long enough to reflect upon them in the presence of Holy Wisdom, Holy Silence, “the greatest non-violent resister in history” (Gandhi). But Jesus’ wisdom is practical and liberating.  Jesus and his people, living in occupied territory, were regularly slapped by soldiers or others with more power than they had, slapped with a right hand with some force, on the victim’s right cheek. It was the degrading slap of unequals. And one didn’t dare fight back. Jesus’ words opened a doorway for response that makes the dominant ones think twice about what they are doing. If you offer your other cheek, the left one, it is very awkward for the person to hit you again. They would have to hit you straight on, as an equal. Most would not let themselves get caught in that awkward situation of having to acknowledge the other as equal.

The same situation would develop with the incident of being sued for your shirt and then turning and giving them your coat as well. It would show the creditor up as grasping and insensitive to the obvious need of his debtor. And anyone who, under the law, could force you to carry his burden a mile would not know what to do if you wouldn’t give it back and kept on. Where does thinking like this come from? This is wisdom born of the presence and the knowledge of God. Theologian Walter Wink says, “These statements are so radical, so unprecedented, and so threatening that it has taken all these centuries to grasp their implications.”

- Megan McKenna, Christ all Merciful, pp. 125-126

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