Wednesday, November 21, 2012


"Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the
lips of knowledge" (Proverbs 14:7).
      Critics are spectators, not players.
      Critical people are usually disheartened people who have failed to reach a desired goal. Someone has said. "Criticism is the death gurgle of a non-achiever."
      There has never been a monument built  to a critic.
      Critical people are disappointed people. Disillusioned people.
Unfocused people. They are hurting inside. They build their life trying to
destroy others.
      Move away from them.
      Don't get me wrong. Debate is a marvelous arena. Conflict unlocks my energy.
      But, there is a place to present facts. There is a time for exchange of information.             Constructive suggestions are always pursued by champions.
      There is also a time for silence.
      When Jesus was being ridiculed and prepared for His crucifixion, he  was silent. "But Jesus held His peace" (Matthew 26:63). Jesus did not feel obligated to answer critics. He never wasted time on people who were obviously trying to trap Him. He responded to hunger. He responded to thirst. He responded to seekers.
      You owe nothing to a critic. "Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words (Proverbs 23:9).

      Criticism is deadly.
      Correction is life.
      Criticism is pointing out your flaws.
      Correction is pointing out your potential.
      Many years ago, I sat down at my kitchen table to reply to a critical letter from a lady. I toiled over my reply. I erased words and wrote new sentences. It took me over one hour of exhausting work to carefully carve out a decent response to her letter. I still wasn't satisfied with my answer to her. Suddenly, I began to laugh as a thought dawned. It hit me that I had never spent an entire hour writing a letter to my own mother, the dearest person in the world to me. I had never spent one hour writing to the woman who had carried me within her womb for nine months, provided comfort and food during my life, motivated me toward God, and to learn to play the piano. I had not spent that much time on the most important person in my life. I was a fool to spend much time on a critic.
      Jesus ignored the critics.

PRAYER: Lord, I know the time I spend answering critics is time wasted. I ask that You give me the strength and maturity to rise above those who are critical and invest time in those whom I love and care for. In Jesus' name. Amen.

By Mike Murdock, "The Leadership Secrets of Jesus"


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