Monday, November 19, 2012


                              SOMETIMES JUST A WORD CAN DO IT *

Just a few words can make something better or worse.

In the country church of a small village, an altar boy serving at Sunday Mass accidentally dropped the cruet of wine. The village priest dismissed the altar boy in a gruff voice, thinking the boy wasn't taking his role seriously, "Leave the altar." The altar boy grew up to be Tito, the Communist leader.

In the cathedral of a large city, an altar boy serving the Bishop at Sunday Mass accidentally dropped the cruet of wine. With a warm twinkle in his eyes, the Bishop gently whispered, "Someday you will be a priest." That boy grew up to become the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

Think of the fantastic power of words. This is not to say that the entire life pattern for these men was set by the incident at the altar. Much more goes into making a life. But it is true that life can turn on a hinge of words spoken. With the words we speak, we can add to the burden of life or lift the cares from the shoulders of another. Handicapping often occurs because we have allowed others to dictate our future or, by our own words, have hindered those to whom we speak. The blind golfer had worked to overcome his handicap and, in fact, turned it to an advantage.
How about lifting someone's burden this season with a kind, encouraging word? Who knows whom you may be talking, or who they may become because of it!

If someone sees the best in me,
I make the best my goal;
His faith that God will strengthen me
Encourages my soul.

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