Wednesday, November 21, 2012


By Catherine I. DiGiorgio

                   Mother, I Will Always Love You
              Much More than You Will Ever Know

            In my solitary moments, Mother,
            I often take this time to reflect on you,
            and realize that being a mother
            is a life long commitment to selflessness.
            I think that motherhood must be
            the most difficult commitment to pursue,
            as more often than not, it requires
            much more giving than receiving.
            The rewards of this commitment
            seem to be so very few,
            and the demands so very great.
            Few children, and am one of them,
            ever take the opportunity to view
            the realities of motherhood.
            Oftentimes I am so caught up
            in my own life that I fail to realize
            that I am never alone in my emotion.
            For each moment of joy I experience,
            there is a silent joy experienced by you,
            my mother, along with a silent prayer
            of thanks to God for the blessing
            He has given me, your child.

            Behind each tear shed and each hurt felt,
            there is a silent tear and a silent hurt
            felt deep inside your heart.
            It's strange that these silent emotions
            are never readily apparent,
            but they are always behind your words
            of encouragement, wisdom, understanding,
            and faith that there will be
            a better tomorrow awaiting me.
            I also have silent emotions;
            mine are the prayers of thanks to God.
            that I hold deep within my heart
            whenever I reflect upon you, my mother.
            I will always love you much more
            than you will ever know.


                           God bless,


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