Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Perfectionists take excellence to a different, more stressful level than that of mere high achievers. Perfectionists tend to stress more, and enjoy life less. Do you sometimes wonder if your desire for excellence crosses the line into perfectionism? This fifteen-question perfectionist test can help you to better understand yourself, see the distinction between perfectionism and high achievement, and find out where your tendencies lie.
If you're wondering whether or not you're a perfectionist, there's a good chance you are one, at least to a degree. (Take The Perfectionism Quiz if you want to know for sure.) Perfectionists are a lot like high achievers, but with some key differences. These differences are important, as perfectionists tend to experience more stress! The following are ten telltale traits of perfectionists. Do any of these sound familiar?
Are You A Perfectionist? Perfectionism can rob you of your peace of mind, enjoyment of life, and self esteem. Though it's a process that may take a little time, shedding the burden of perfectionism can greatly decrease the level of stress you feel on a daily basis. Here are some important steps you can take to maintain a healthier attitude.
The college experience can represent one of the most exciting stages in a person's life--new goals, perspectives, friends, and freedoms can be exciting, and can change the direction of your life! But college brings a significant amount of stress as well, and if you don't know how to manage that stress, it can become overwhelming. Here are some effective resources for college stress relief.









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