Sunday, November 18, 2012



We admire people who are convinced they "have a calling" and follow through with it. We might admire them from a distance but we could always feel uneasy at their presence. Imagine watching TV with Mother Teresa. We admire them not because of what they proclaim but of what they lived. They didn't just tell the world that they have a mission but they followed through and lived dangerous lives. We also admire them because we have in our simple hearts that seed of calling. We once dared to imagine how to live dangerously ­ giving our all for a singular cause. But most of us have trodden the ordinary and crushed our desires to live out extraordinarily. We delegated holiness and heroism to the saints and we forfeited the opportunities to be radical in living the Gospel.

      Dorothy Day once said: "Don't call me a saint. I don't want to be easily dismissed." That's how we deal with those who remind us that there's more to us than the mundane tasks we're doing.

      In our reading today, Paul writes his farewell letter to the Ephesians. He knew that he's about to die but his words spoke of fire: "I don't care what my life counts as long as I follow through the calling God has placed in my life ­ that is to preach Jesus Christ." He is telling his readers: Imitate me. You may not be called to die or live in a way that I did but you are called to greatness. You are called to be holy in the very way you are washing the dishes and knitting that jumper. A person who continues to pray and love her children despite their stubbornness of heart ­ that's radical living. A person who continues to encourage his co-workers while not waiting to be noticed ­ that's radical living. A person who opens his house and invites a stranger to a dinner ­ that's radical living.

      Radical living is radical loving. This is how we could follow through that calling in our hearts to live extraordinary lives. The trick is that we don't do it only once in a while ­ we do it consistently. Like Paul, we follow through until the end. By then, we would be comfortable asking Mother Teresa if she likes popcorn while you watch the TV together.

How could you start awakening within you that desire for radical loving?

Father, free me from mediocrity. Let me follow through until the end. Awaken in me that desire for greatness ­ the desire to be radical in my loving. Amen.

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