Wednesday, September 25, 2013



       A man complained to his doctor that he was suffering from such
overwhelming depression that his life was unbearable.  Finding nothing
physically wrong with him, his doctor remarked that what the man needed was
some lively amusement to divert his thoughts from himself.  "Try reading a
good book now and then," advised the doctor. But the man shook his head as
if to say, "That won't work for me!"

     "Then I'll tell you what to do. Go to the theater."  Again the man
shook his head. "Well," said the doctor, "I can think of only one other
thing that would help you and if it doesn't, there is nothing else I can
suggest. The circus has come to town. Go and see the great clown who is
drawing such crowds with his merriment. If you still suffer from depression
after hearing and watching him, I'll be surprised."

      "Ah!" said the man with a sigh, "I am that clown."

      Behind many a smiling face is an aching heart.  A loud laugh can be a
cover-up for a sad and empty life. If you are like the clown --laughing on
the outside but crying on the inside -- perhaps it is because you have
confused two important qualities in life: happiness and joy.  Happiness is
dependent on outward circumstances, such as prosperity and good health,
which may be here today and gone tomorrow.  Joy, on the other hand, is a
deep-seated contentment you can have regardless of circumstances.

      The Apostle Paul had joy.  He said, "I have learned to be content
whatever the circumstances" (Philippians 4:11).

      How could he do it?  The answer lies in his following words: "I can
do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13).  He
says, "I can through Christ."  He is really saying that through Him I can
overcome the problems which would bring discontentment.

     You may be thinking, "I've heard that all my life"  Everybody tells me
Christ can solve all my problems, but how?  The first step towards finding
the answer is to admit you need help. Do you suppose that God has possibly
allowed the problems you now face for a reason?  Maybe the depression you
feel is God's giant STOP sign to get you to stop running and turn to Him.
When you have run out of ways to help yourself, you are right where God can
help you.

    "Try God!" says the little gold pin that some Christians wear. It's a
good suggestion, but God is not one possibility among many. It is only
through Christ that we find the strength that defies weariness and
solutions that drive back the darkness.  At the end of your rope, you will
find God when you search for Him and reach out to take His hand.  He makes
all the difference.

"You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart."
(Jeremiah 29:13)

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