Monday, September 23, 2013



Dialogue with Atheist

Dear Mr. Carapiet:

I really cannot thank you for this unsolicited mail from you. The views on pornography you have sent are those of your church. I do not subscribe to any church, temple, synagogues or mosques. I am a rationalist atheist.

I also think pornography for a lot of us is a healthy pastime. And a window to let off our pent up sexual frustration, a malady almost all of us are afflicted with now and then.

Please confine your preachings to your flock and think many times before venturing outside your fold.

Mihir Chakravarti

Thank you, Mr. Mihir Chakravarti, for your prompt and
straightforward answer to my text on Pornography. 
My reflection is meant for all people of all persuasions,
even atheists. I am myself a rationalist, especially that I have 
taught Metaphysics without the help of religion. In fact, Rationalism
is like a detergent cleansing religious practices of superstition that
is rooted in fear of gods and evil spirits. This awareness of fear 
and our limitedness gives rise to greed and domination. It can only
be overcome by dialogue or covenanted relationships, 
service to the neighbour without distinction of caste and creed. 

I found God through Metaphysics or the affirmation of being.
The craving of my intellect and will could not be satisfied until
I affirmed total truth and chose total good. All this was anterior 
to my Catholic Faith which only confirmed and reinforced the
investigations and conclusions of my strictly rational philosophy.
In my systematic enquiry on Jesus Christ I found him to be a
Metaphysician par excellence. "Before Abraham was, I am."

Do send my article on Pornography to your rationalist friends
and circle. It would be interesting to learn their reactions.
With every good wish,
Sincerely yours,
Mervyn Carapiet

Thank you Mr. Carapiet. Most illuminating to read your letter.

I still feel pornography is good for those jaded spirits who suffer from erotic dysfunction. I have no sense of guilt regarding the act of sex. It can be the most exhilarating and liberating of all human experiences. It can also at the same time be an utter hell and an abyss of human depravity.  Depends on surrounding circumstances and the involvement of the players involved.

Bye now Mr. Carapiet.

Mihir Chakravarti

Respected Mr. Mihir Chakravarti,

The four culprits of Delhi thought that rape could be a liberating episode
until the death penalty jerked them into realising that objectivity lay elsewhere.               A Syro Phoenician woman brought Jesus Christ round to realising that he had to heal the "dogs" (non-Jews) also and not restrict himself to the Jews.
I myself imagined I was righteous by Canon Law in resisting my niece's marriage to a Bengali Hindu (Chakrabarty, if you please). It has turned out to be a happy one, and I am the wiser.
Porn is a symptom of an erotic dysfunction that can hardly be healed by more eroticism. The search for truth deserves dialogue with all seekers of truth.

"Bye for now" you wrote. "Bye" is a particle of "Goodbye" which is short for 
"God be with you" that I heartily wish you.

Mervyn Carapiet

September 2013

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