Friday, October 26, 2012



In his book, “Benedictus” (Ignatius Press, 2012), Pope Benedict XVI writes, “In the procreation of children, marriage reflects its divine model, the love of God for man. In man and woman, paternity and maternity, as happens with the body and with love, the biological aspect is not circumscribed: life is only given totally when, with birth, love and meaning are also given, which makes it possible to say yes to this life. It is clear to what point the systematic closing of the union itself to the gift of contrary to human love, to the profound vocation of man and woman” (pg. 294). This teaching can scarcely be predicated of same-sex “marriage” where the biological aspect is restricted to a species of activity completely closed to procreation. In many cultures, including some in India, a sterile marriage can be annulled, and this within the provisions of canon law.

Marriage is a committed, life-long relationship of unconditional love between a man and a woman which is oriented to the personal growth and enrichment of the spouses and is open to the procreation of new life. It involves a search for human fulfilment by a couple who recognise themselves as individually incomplete. It enjoys a legal status in society and a sacramental status in the Church. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians affirms Christian marriage as the effective sign of Christ’s love for the Church. This again can scarcely be predicated of a same-sex union which is fundamentally different, even though it may involve a mutual relationship aimed at the partners’ growth. Calling it marriage would provoke reservations of the natural order. Call it by any other name, but leave Marriage alone with its unique identity.


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