Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Our problem, it seems to me, is not so much to find a message for the age, as to find and keep the beaming joy, the glow, the glory, the radiance, the burning love which are found alone in looking long and daily into the face of Jesus revealing the glory of God, and in humbly, joyously, embracing the cross, and following Him.
Samuel Logan Brengle
You should endeavour to unite yourself constantly to the Sacred Heart, wishing to have no other desires, no other sentiments than those of Jesus Christ, persuading yourself that His Spirit and His Sacred Heart will, so to speak, pass into yours and that of the two hearts there will be no longer tow but one. It should be for you a sanctuary in which you can draw the consolation and all the helps of which you have need. For even if all men should abandon you and forget you, Jesus will keep you always in His Heart.
  Epistolae Paroeneticae
In the Sacred Heart I shall find a model to regulate all the movements of mine (heart), a source of wealth with which to pay all my debts to divine justice, and an assured place of refuge where I shall be protected from shipwrecks and storms.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is our rallying centre…It will be your school in which you will learn the sublime science of God, which is so contrary to the opinions and wretch maxims of the world.
Jean Bernieres-Louvigny
The Interior Christian
O Heart of Jesus, I trust in thee,
Altho’ each joy of life may flee;
Tho’ darkness comes, no light is found
And bonds of fear my heart have bound.
So when throbs pain or sorrow deep,
When heart aweary knows not sleep.
My Lord, my love, I cling to thee,
O Heart of Jesus, I trust in thee.
Contributed by Fr. Mervyn Carapiet

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