Monday, October 15, 2012


The Law as a schoolmaster is no problem with faith and grace because there is a transfer directly into the New Covenant. But the Law as compulsory obligations of practice is wrong. The whole New Covenant is that which the Old Covenant was a type so we should see some similar characteristics. What so many want is for the Law to be the "true light" and it was only a shadow of that to come. Jesus is the true light on the righteousness of God. What this means is, it was the eternal purpose of God from before the foundation of the world that the New Covenant be the means of salvation for the world.
The Law was not the eternal purpose of God. It was a temporary measure brought in because of transgressions that were going on without personal accountability. The highest law governing men is to love God and others as you love yourself.  When men failed these two simple obligations God chose men to be Prophets to warn the people of their ungodly ways and ungodly spirits. It is men who rejected God and the messengers of God who have shoved the world to the brink of hell. It was from traditions received from the Patriarchs or from a person's own inner soul to be Godly or do that which was right. So, the Law became "Thus Saith The LORD" in a different manner. It was written down in stone and in a book so every man could speak for God and not a few Prophets. No man could fight this Law with his personal liberal opinions and hatred of the Prophets. And besides, there was no judicial procedure to punish sinners and the wicked before the Law, except by Divine judgment and wrath. The Law provided for a means of punishments all the way to the death penalty.
The Law was a stop-gap measure to provide a means for there to be a holy people through whom the Messiah would come and reign upon the earth and in the Kingdom of God.
I forgot a very valuable lesson on the Commandments of Jesus and I want to share them with you here.
Moses went up into the mountain.
Moses took Aaron up as the representative of the Priesthood.
Moses received and taught the sayings of God (Commandments of God).
The people received them with astonishment but said we will obey all that God has said.
The Covenant was sealed in the Law of Ten Commandments.
The Law was established upon the rock mountain of Horeb (Sinai).
Jesus went up into a high mountain (Matt. 51; Luke 612)
Jesus took the twelve Apostles up on the mountain as representatives of the New Testament Priesthood.
Jesus taught the sayings of God (New Covenant Commandments).
The people were astonished at his doctrine (Commandments, teachings).
The New Covenant is sealed in the Commandments of Jesus.
Jesus said they who kept his sayings (Commandments) would be like a wise man who built his house upon a rock.
Matt 51-48
Commandments or sayings of Jesus.
Verse# given first
3-1.) Blessed are the poor in spirit.
4-2.) Blessed are they that mourn.
5-3.) Blessed are the meek.
6-4.) Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness.
7-5.) Blessed are the merciful.
8-6.) Blessed are the pure in heart.
9-7.) Blessed are the peacemakers.
10-8.) Blessed are those who are persecuted.
11-9.) Blessed are those who are evil spoken of.
12-10.) rejoice and be exceeding glad of your reward in heaven.
These are not ten literal Commandments, but wow, they number ten. It is understood that those who fill this bill of goods are already devoted to One God and there is no need for a Commandment in that regard. Other Commandments or teachings in Matthew chapter 5.
16.) Commanded to let light shine (good works includes both toward God and man).
20.) Commanded to be righteous and exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees.
22.) Commanded to honor father and mother and not use Jewish "raca" as an excuse to be mean and hateful.
24.) Commanded to be reconciled to a person and then offer up gifts.
25.) Commanded to agree with adversaries.
28.) Commanded that to look upon a woman to lust is adultery.
29.) Commanded to pluck out eyes if they cause us to be lost.
30.) Commanded to cut off hand if it would cause us to be lost.
32.) Commanded that there be no divorce and remarriage except for fornication (so this is against adultery and fornication.)
34.) Commanded not to swear at all (this includes cursing of all types).
39.) Commanded not to resist evil but to turn the cheek.
40.) Commanded to let those who sue you to have what they want.
42.) Commanded to give to those who ask (alms).
44.) Commanded to love your enemies.
48.) Commanded to be perfect (this is an awesome Commandment that consolidates all the righteousness of God.
Chapter 6
Verse #
1.) Commanded not to give alms as a public display.
5.) Commanded to pray in secret (not at all times but when special needs are requested deserving of a private prayer).
7.) Commanded not to use vain repetitions.
8.) Commanded the Lord's Prayer.
a.) recognition of one God and his sovereignty.
b.) recognition of a personal sins and trespasses.
c.) forgiveness of others of their sins (this is a big one).
19.) Commanded not to gather material goods to store up wealth.
24.) Commanded that a person cannot serve God and mammon (money).
25.) Commanded not to take thought of food and raiment.
33.) Commanded to seek first the Kingdom of God.
Chapter 7
Verse #
1.) Commanded to judge not.
6.) Commanded not to give that which is holy to dogs or pearls to swine.
7.) Commanded to ask God in faith for things needed.
13.) Commanded to enter into the strait gate.
15.) Commanded to beware of false prophets.
Verse 24 gives us the importance of these three chapters. Jesus said that the man who "heareth" and "doeth" these "sayings" (Commandments are sayings), he is a wise man who has built his house upon a rock. That rock is figurative of the base foundation upon which a man's spiritual life will be constructed. The man's spiritual house is built upon this rock, all other ground is sinking sand.
All of the teachings of Jesus, his other Commandments, the doctrines of the Apostles, and the teachings of the New Covenant, flow out of these three chapters. There are some translations of words in these chapters in other versions and in lexicons that make these three chapters the cornerstone of the whole New Testament.
These are by no means the conclusive and totality of the Commandments of Jesus Messiah, but they set the entire Kingdom of God on the foundation of righteousness. And the Law and the Ten Commandments are not hinted at all for the faith and practice of those who will "hear" and "do" his sayings (Commandments).
The New Testament rule on sin is Be not deceived, God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting (Gal. 67-8).
Let us go without the camp and bear his reproach. Let us join ourselves to Mount Calvary and there embrace the New Covenant. Let us receive the grace and mercy of the supreme atonement and then go into a lost world and tell them Jesus Saves.
Pastor Reckart

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