Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Everlasting Love

Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you. Jeremiah 31:3 AMP
The love of God is truly amazing! It is too deep to fully explore, too high to fully ascend, and too wide to fully get our understanding around, but it can be believed in our hearts, known in our spirits, and proclaimed with our voices.
God not only loves the world, but He loves you. There has never been a time when God hasn’t loved you. He has loved from the very beginning to this very moment. You are formed by the hands of love; you are called by the voice of love; you are saved by the Gift of love; you are led by the feet of love; you are blessed by the heart of love.
His love keeps you, protects you, cares for you, and provides for you. Nothing can get a wedge between you and His love— nothing can push it away, nothing can block its flow, nothing can separate you from its presence.
He loves you in every season, yet His love is not seasonal; He loves you in every circumstance, yet His love is not circumstantial; He loves you in every mood, yet His love is not moody; He loves you in every condition, yet His love is not conditional.
He loves you from the heights; He loves you from the depths. He loves you when you are active and when you are still. He loves through all the tears and joys of life; through every battle and every victory; through every hurt and every healing.
Has someone rejected you, failed you, or betrayed you? God has not! You are still loved with an everlasting love. Have you sinned, disobeyed, or grieved the Lord in any way? His love for you remains faithful. He will cleanse and forgive every sin and fully restore your soul as you return to Him. Are you walking through a dark time or a fiery trial? God’s love has not departed from you. You will be tested but not destroyed, you will be persecuted but not forsaken, you will go through the fire but not be burned, you will go through deep waters but they will not overwhelm you. His love is strong and stronger still;
His love is deep and deeper still; His love is great and greater still.God’s love for you will last. How long will it last? It will last forever, and it will never fail.

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