Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I believe in “The name of the Lord”
We will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7 AMP
I believe in the name of the Lord—mighty, magnificent, majestic. I believe I can call upon the name of the Lord at any time, in any circumstance, for any reason. It is a good thing, the right thing, and the wise thing to call upon the name of the Lord. There is no name like His name—no other title is so splendid, no other declaration is so honorable, no other proclamation is so glorious, no other person is so praiseworthy!
I believe I can call upon the name of the Lord in prayer and petition, in supplication and intercession, in praise and thanksgiving. I call upon His name because He hears my call and listens to my cry, because He understands and cares about my situation, because He has all power to answer and move in my behalf.
In the name of the Lord I speak with conviction, act with boldness, live with confidence, walk with clarity, and minister with authority. I believe that the name of the Lord is completely dependable and reliable—in His name I put my trust, I set up my banner, I sing my praise, I find  my courage, I express my worship, I take my stand, I move forward, I overcome, I am secure.
I believe I can boldly declare and proclaim the name of the Lord—the strong, supreme, endless, limitless, unalterable, inexhaustible Lord of all.
I believe in His name “Righteousness” (Jeremiah 23:6). His righteousness clothes me with the robe of purity.
I believe in His name “There” (Ezekiel 48:35). He is the One who is always with me, in every moment, through every circumstance.
I believe in His name “Peace” (Judges 6:24). In Him I find my rest, my calm assurance, my shalom.
I believe in His name “Banner” (Exodus 17:15). He is my Victor, Champion, Captain, King. He is my Warrior and the victor in every battle.
I believe in His name “Will See, Will Provide” (Genesis 22:14). He is in the details of life, is before me, and supplies every need.
I believe in His name “Healer” (Exodus 15:26). He is my Physician, Comforter, my health my wholeness, and restorer.
I believe in His name “Sanctifier” (Exodus 31:13). He sets me aside for His purposes, cleanses my heart, and washes me with His word.
I believe in His name “Shepherd” (Psalm 23:1). He leads me, feeds me, guides me, and will not fail me, leave me, or forsake me.
I believe in His name “Maker, Creator” (Psalm 95:6). He formed me with His hands, brought me into this world for a purpose, keeps me in His care, and is shaping me into His image.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!

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