Thursday, March 20, 2014


The Last Redoubt

My truth, my life, did I not
choose thee my rock to be?
My eyes awash, o’erturn my grief
unto thy joy awaiting me.
My rock, my stronghold,
the last redoubt and first
upon which I poised my soul
That never frighted since.
Lit within my heart
the sage’s word of wisdom,
proved now anew
in never-ending balm,
embroidering my brow,
so prone to furrow
by sadness’ plough.
For you hold and guide it
so that only faith may enter
to tinge my grief
with its sweet believing:
That you are there
and hold my heart
Close to yours,
each beat of mine
resounding to the thunder
 of your love,
inarticulate but reverberating,
 lest I hear and die,
 for want of ear to hear it all,
 too loud and stay alive:
 “I am here, your last redoubt and first.
Will that suffice?”

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