Saturday, April 20, 2013



 Some relationships are forever, and some for the duration of a particular function. It depends on the degree of the interiorisation of the values evinced in the relationship. As we mature in spirit, we see our friends, living and dead, in a new light,  progressively in God with the possibility of getting more and more isolated, until we reach the final solitude where we attain God who alone matters. Then solitude and God are co-terminus, which is the highest greatness. I have the perception that I am edging towards that. All that I acquired by dint of hard labour in the realms of literature, science and faith is tending towards the consciousness of pure transparency, which is the glory of God. Now only total surrender to this absolute transparency will provide the ultimate definition of what it is to be human. To be lost in it is the realisation of the constitution of my being, the significance of my self, and the purpose of my existence.
-Fr. Mervyn Carapiet

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