Tuesday, January 7, 2014


                             The Vine and the Branches
“I am the trusty Vine,
And you my Branches are.
Blest be he who adheres to me:
A branch that spreads afar.

True Vine am I;
So will you be,
If you but cling to me.

But more than cling,
For I shall bring
The sap that fructifies
That branch of mine,
To give sweet wine
For life that never dies.

Whichever branch that bears much fruit
My Father will renew
To feed my sheep more plenti’ly,
And bind them to the root.”

O Holy Vine, O Jesu Lord,
We love and cling to you.
O prune our hearts
And cleanse our minds,
And teach us how to bear you;
That men may taste and savour sweet
Your wine of truth and love,
And praise the Dresser of that Vine
He planted from above.


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