Tuesday, January 7, 2014




A priest one day made his weary way
Into a graveyard where his mother lay;
And scarcely had he reached the humble mound
Than tears rolled down to bless the hallowed ground.
Beside the humble grave the priest then knelt
To tell the sorrow his heart then felt.
Full many a messenger of sorrow went
To make excuse that yet no monument
Stood guardian o’er his sweet mother’s head,
To honour her who lay among the dead.
And then a voice came gently from the tomb:
“My monument was builded in my womb;
My greatest laurels, greatest praises were won,
The hour when thou became my priestly son.
Go, then, my son, and never more lament
That o’er my grave stands no monument;
For all the souls in heav’n whom thou hast sent
For e’er proclaim thee as my monument.”


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