Monday, January 6, 2014



Unworthy, sin-ladenly unworthy is how I feel
as even so much as dare I think divinity.
But heavier than the weight of sin is
that of glory, charging my soul, empowering my mind,
to make enablement their boast,
divinely dispensed and humbly received.
To think on my Lord, the Master of my life,
and thinking, emboldened be to state with joy
that He is all: the End of my becoming
and the purpose of my making.
So even were there not an aeon
to expand this thinking thought unlimited,
the narrow compass of my life
allows near stated joy in the comprehension:
that my heart has comes to love Whom
my mind has also come to know,
and in the knowing and the loving
to rejoice that this is how He made me!

Will that suffice?

Yes, but Oh! He grants me
the assurance that there will be
expansion of infinite proportion
to live in Him in love
and know unendingly the joy
of ever deeper commingling 
of my being in His
and His in mine.

Will that suffice?

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