Tuesday, January 7, 2014


                             The Vine and the Branches
“I am the trusty Vine,
And you my Branches are.
Blest be he who adheres to me:
A branch that spreads afar.

True Vine am I;
So will you be,
If you but cling to me.

But more than cling,
For I shall bring
The sap that fructifies
That branch of mine,
To give sweet wine
For life that never dies.

Whichever branch that bears much fruit
My Father will renew
To feed my sheep more plenti’ly,
And bind them to the root.”

O Holy Vine, O Jesu Lord,
We love and cling to you.
O prune our hearts
And cleanse our minds,
And teach us how to bear you;
That men may taste and savour sweet
Your wine of truth and love,
And praise the Dresser of that Vine
He planted from above.





A priest one day made his weary way
Into a graveyard where his mother lay;
And scarcely had he reached the humble mound
Than tears rolled down to bless the hallowed ground.
Beside the humble grave the priest then knelt
To tell the sorrow his heart then felt.
Full many a messenger of sorrow went
To make excuse that yet no monument
Stood guardian o’er his sweet mother’s head,
To honour her who lay among the dead.
And then a voice came gently from the tomb:
“My monument was builded in my womb;
My greatest laurels, greatest praises were won,
The hour when thou became my priestly son.
Go, then, my son, and never more lament
That o’er my grave stands no monument;
For all the souls in heav’n whom thou hast sent
For e’er proclaim thee as my monument.”


Monday, January 6, 2014



Peaceful and relaxed, no strain.
Gentle breathing and calm.
Placid as the glass on the lake.
Deep as the water in the ocean.
The pure air surrounding the earth.
Pure expectation.

Let the Divine Word descend,
peaceful, into this water, this air.
Fill the sky, for that is what
my heart is:
real, peaceful and profound.

Let the Real enter the real,
the deep enter Deep,
and peace absorbed in Peace.
In this union I am enabled
to say a blessing, a fond benediction:
"Blessed are You, my dearest Lord.
Enter and take possession of your
ocean, your air and sky.
Be yourself in them,
relax and have no doubt
about your welcome.
No questions, no complaints,
no petitions today.
Here there are no reservations,
no restrictions,
no hint of overstaying your welcome.
Recline or walk where you will -
this estate is all yours.
So feel free.
Just be Yourself.

Lord, be...
in me.



Unworthy, sin-ladenly unworthy is how I feel
as even so much as dare I think divinity.
But heavier than the weight of sin is
that of glory, charging my soul, empowering my mind,
to make enablement their boast,
divinely dispensed and humbly received.
To think on my Lord, the Master of my life,
and thinking, emboldened be to state with joy
that He is all: the End of my becoming
and the purpose of my making.
So even were there not an aeon
to expand this thinking thought unlimited,
the narrow compass of my life
allows near stated joy in the comprehension:
that my heart has comes to love Whom
my mind has also come to know,
and in the knowing and the loving
to rejoice that this is how He made me!

Will that suffice?

Yes, but Oh! He grants me
the assurance that there will be
expansion of infinite proportion
to live in Him in love
and know unendingly the joy
of ever deeper commingling 
of my being in His
and His in mine.

Will that suffice?