Tuesday, July 16, 2013



                        Attending the Couples for Christ (CFC) meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2013, was for me very uplifting, as I could discern the serene conviction of faith in the speakers. With a movement such as the Couples for Christ operating in the church and society, one can project a confident future. I trust that CFC will effect a faith renewal in Christian families.
A recent survey revealed that children without religion lacked moral values and were unprepared for adult life. A recent pamphlet from the Catholic Truth Society warns that they are pampered, have weak parental role models and remain immature, irresolute, soft and irresponsible, in fact, heartless or indifferent narcissists. They treat people as objects, mere tools and toys for their use. They see sex as a high-powered form of recreation and thus fall easily into promiscuity, co-habitational relationships, unwanted pregnancies, abortions and disastrous marriages. This is happening. Parents of such children are weak moral figures, failing to help their children develop conscience and sound judgement, unable to distinguish right from wrong, going only by their personal convenience. Is it surprising that so many teenagers are committing suicide and many more are suicidal?
I am sure that the members of the CFC are aware of these pitfalls and will assist parents instill in their children the virtues of true religion, the spirit of adventure that goes beyond computer games, and a personal centring on Jesus Christ in the Church.

                       July 16, 2013

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