Sunday, August 20, 2017



Teachers and students need the spiritual help of God.

Education is a beautiful activity, one that leads the mind, body and soul of an individual through various levels of knowledge. Ultimately this knowledge has at its source God, the creator of all and source of every good thing on earth.
That is why it is most fitting to bless the school, teachers and children who will embark on this great task over the next year. They certainly need all the spiritual help they can get as education is one of the hardest activities to engage in.
Here are two selections from the Blessing of Children and the Blessing of a School found in the Roman Ritual. These are ancient prayers that highlight passages from scripture and invoke God’s power to support those involved in education.

Lord Jesus Christ, who embraced the little children when they came or were brought to you, and laying your hands on them blessed them and said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them. The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these; and their angels ever see the face of my Father;” we beg you to look with favor on the innocence of these children here present and on the devotion of their parents, and to bless + them today through our ministry. Let them ever advance in your grace and goodness, the better to know you, love you, fear you, and serve you, and happily reach their blessed destiny. We ask this of you, Savior of the world, who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Lord Jesus Christ, who bade your apostles to pray that peace might come on any house they entered, we entreat you to bless + by our ministry this building destined for the education of the young. Bestow your peace and blessing on it in full measure, so that its teachers and pupils may experience your saving grace, as did Zaccheus when you came into his home. Bid your angels to keep guard here and to drive away all power of the enemy. Inspire the teachers with knowledge, wisdom, and holy fear. Foster their pupils with grace from on high, so that they may grasp, retain, and put into practice the lessons they are taught. May teachers and pupils alike so please you by a truly virtuous life that they may finally deserve to be received into your everlasting home in heaven; through you, Jesus Christ, our Savior and our God, who live and reign forever and ever.

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