Monday, October 12, 2015


GIRL CHILD, International Day of

Introduction to the Eucharist
With affectionate concern and hopefulness we today would like to focus on the GIRL CHILD. Not only would we invoke God’s blessing on his girl children but, by his grace, we commit ourselves to protect them at every stage of their life, contribute our share to their educational, cultural and physical development. The scenario today is a dismal one. In circumstances of utter poverty, girl children are pushed into the flesh trade by heartless adults, pressed into bonded labour by creditors and landowners, even forced-trained to be girl soldiers by terrorist groups. How many girl children are marked out for dowry deaths and the horror of bride burning is a heart rending tale, oft repeated in our country. And the entertainment industry manoeuvres many little girls into certain roles that leave them devastated and bereft of their childhood. This was not the way the Creator wanted it. This was not the way our Saviour Jesus Christ, whose ministry was characterised by the affirmation of life, the imparting of health, and the gift of joy and harmony. And this is also what we want to happen in our time and will make happen. So with hopefulness for the future of the world’s girl children, we ask our Heavenly Father to allow us and our concerns into the mysteries of Jesus, that we are now about to celebrate as a church community with sincere contrition for our sins and failures.
“I confess.....”

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