Saturday, October 31, 2015


Our Family’s Enterprise

God has made the FAMILY the fundamental block of society as no other. The family satisfies the basic need for relationship, cooperative endeavour and imaginative projects. The more successful a family is in terms of these dynamics, the more benefits it generates for the human community. A thriving society is a clear indication of healthy family living. This redounds to the glory of God who is the original family, also known as the Holy Trinity – the original model of relationship and fruitfulness. The measure of a family’s faith in the Holy Trinity will articulate the family’s success in the spheres of the moral, social and economic. This demands that the members of the family are constantly endeavouring to think and act unitedly, powered by noble motives and drawn by the goals that are beneficial for themselves and society at large. Were every family vibrant with the best values and traditions proper to their respective religious cultures, one can well imagine the happiness and contentment of the society they comprise.
We worship the God of hope, the source and reason for the future prospects of our family. We look to the elders to show us the way of committed cooperation and a joyous consistency in our undertakings for an ever brighter future of every members of the family. We are blessed with hope since God is there, assuring us of a secure future.

Our trust in each other gives us the confidence to be faithful today as we move forward in the pathways of our tomorrows. We pray that by God’s grace and enablement each succeeding generation will accept the torch with enthusiasm for the enhancement of out enterprises to His glory and the good of society.

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