Sunday, October 13, 2013


Prayer before Holy Mass

(the four ends of the Mass)

Eternal Father,
I unite myself to and offer this Holy Sacrifice,
which your beloved Son once made himself on the Cross
and now renews on this holy altar:
First, to adore you and give you the honour which is due to you,
confessing your supreme dominion over all things
and the absolute dependence of everything upon you.
Secondly, to thank you for the countless benefits received,
especially the gift of your own beloved Son, Jesus, the High Priest.
Thirdly, to restore the order of charity disturbed by so many sins
and to make satisfaction for them.
Fourthly, to implore your grace and mercy for myself,
for all the afflicted and sorrowing, for all poor sinners,
and for the departed souls on purgation.

                                    - Fr. Mervyn Carapiet

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