Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Bible Quiz

1.       Name the mountain on which Noah’s Ark came to rest.

Ararat (in Armenia).

2.       Which two birds did Noah flush after the deluge?

Raven and dove.

3.       Name the mother of king Solomon.


4.       Name the father of king David.


 King David had two wives, AHINOAM and A-----L.


5.       Name the first son of Abraham.


6.       What did Adam say when he first saw Eve?

“This is indeed bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.”

7.       What two things lepers in the Old Testament had to do?

Cover their faces and shout “unclean, unclean.”

8.       How old was Noah when the Ark was launched?

200 years!

9.       What does Pentateuch mean?

The first five books of the Old Testament.

10.   What was the writing on the wall of king Belshazzar?

Mene Mene Tekel  Upharsin (or Pares).

11.   Which Psalm begins with “The Lord is my shepherd”?

Psalm 22 or 23 (both correct)

12.   Who danced before king Herod for the head of John the Baptist?


13.   Name the three Wise Men from the East.

Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar.

14.   What is the meaning of “Boanerges”?

Sons of thunder (James and John).

15.   Jesus looked up and said: (three words).

“Zacheus, come down.”

16.   Were the 10 lepers cured immediately by Jesus?

No; on their way to the priests.

17.   How many pigs hurtled down the hill in Mk 5, 13?

About two thousand.

18.   How many fish were caught in Jn 21, 11? One hundred and fifty-three.

        20. On which mount was Jesus transfigured?      Mount Tabor.

21.  What does the name Golgotha mean?  Place of the skull.

22. What is the meaning of the word Pentecost?

       50th. Day.

23. “Is anyone sick among you? Call the elders and let them pray over him.”  Where do you find this passage? 

Letter of St. James.

24. What is the full name of the betrayer of Jesus?

      Judas Iscariot.

25. Where did St. John, the Beloved disciple die?

       Island of Patmos.

26. Was the first Christian martyr a priest/deacon/lay person?

      Stephen the deacon.


Some fun questions:

1.       What was Adam and Eve’s phone number?       281 (two ate one).

2.       Why was Samson a great entertainer?  He brought the house down.

3.       Where was Moses when the lights went out?  In his skin/in the dark/in his dark skin.

4.       Why did the elephants take so long to enter the ark? They had to pack their trunks.

5.       Why did the centipedes take so long to enter the ark? They had to wear their shoes.

6.       Who came fourth in the human race?   Lazarus.

7.       Is Epistle the wife of Apostle?




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