Monday, June 22, 2020


2 Peter 1:3
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (NIVUK)
Read the verses around this Bible passage from the Internet Bible: in English, and many other languages
Many products are advertised as being a 'complete solution', but they rarely are.  However well they work and however wide their scope, you can always find some way in which they can be improved.  And that is good for business trading in a competitive marketplace!  But there can never ever be any effective competition for God's perfect solution to all human need.  Although Satan tempts us with lies about a better way, and the world packages temporary attractive diversions which distract us from our internal emptiness, only God provides all that we need to take us from the guilt and shame of this world to the glories of heaven.

That is because only God has all power.  Everything we have derives from Him.  We came into the world with nothing and we will leave with nothing (1 Timothy 6:7).  We only came because God gave us life (Acts 17:25) .  We owe everything to God who has enabled food to grow and strengthen our bodies.  Every day our bodies 'auto-repair' from constant damage, using the complex mechanisms that God has implanted in us.  Until we die, God provides for our physical and spiritual needs; and His mercies are freshly applied to our lives each day (Lamentations 3:21-24).  And our greatest need, to be at peace with God today and through all eternity, is only met as we put our faith in Jesus (Romans 5:1).

Godliness is God-likeness.  It is all we need to safely navigate this life and be confident of eternity with Christ (1 Timothy 4:8).  Godliness comes cooperating with God’s power at work in us enabling us to desire and achieve what He commands (Philippians 2:13).  Put like that, it is obvious that we can never please God in our own strength: unless we allow His power to work in us, we cannot be godly.

But some may ask, how do we access this rich Divine provision?  The answer is simple: get to know God, He wants you to become like Him.  But we can only get to know Him on His terms (John 14:23).  As we grow in faith, we need to understand that although His love is unconditional – the blessings are conditional upon our obedience to His Word.  So, to get to know Him, we need to get to know His Word, and obey it (Luke 11:28).  That is why Peter is writing to Christians under persecution: they needed to know God in obedience so that they could receive His provision, enabling them to work with Him.  And we need to do the same!

Dear Lord God. Thank You for being the complete resource for all of my life and for eternity. Forgive me for the times I have relied on my own power and wisdom, and not Yours. Please give me a desire to get to know You better by understanding, obeying Your Word, and giving You thanks each day. Please help me to receive Your powerful provision for my needs today and to learn to work with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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