You may not realize it, but Father God is ravished by you. You make Him smile. You make Him laugh. You make Him leap for joy. You make His heart beat faster. In Zephaniah 3:17 the Bible even says you make Him sing for joy. Whether you understand that or not doesn’t stop God from responding to you in that way. He looks at you and grins. He sees your hair, your skin, your smile, and He rejoices.
The blemishes, scars, and extra pounds may weigh on your heart, but they don’t weigh on His. God loves your freckles. He loves your funky-shaped toes. He loves you—just as you are. He loves your uniqueness. He loves the smile that only your face can radiate. He loves you when you’re awake, vibrant, and full of life. And He loves you when you’re down, struggling, and lethargic.
He even loves you when you’re sleeping. He gets excited when you wake up—even with morning breath and “sleep” tucked in the corners of your eyes. He can’t wait to hear your voice. He looks forward to your first thoughts. He loves accompanying you throughout the day. He enjoys being with you at work. He isn’t watching the clock or tapping His foot until five o’clock.  Just being with you is enough. He loves talking with you, traveling with you, and being tender with you. He loves watching you enjoy His creation. He smiles when you look at the mountains, sea, or sky and think of Him.
“God yearns deeply for your affection, and this is why He invites you into an intimate relationship with Him.”
The truth is, God really likes you. In fact, He enjoys you. You may not think you measure up to supermodel or Mr. GQ status, but He does. Thanks to the gracious act of His Son, He sees you perfectly redeemed.
He removes your unbecoming qualities and replaces them with His splendor. Thus you begin to reflect the heart of the One who can’t get enough of you. But what’s even more amazing is that He does it all for love. He doesn’t demand penance or religious duty. He yearns deeply for your affection, and this is why He invites you into an intimate relationship with Him.
God isn’t tolerating you. He isn’t putting up with you. He isn’t waiting for you to get olderodoor more mature in your Christian walk before He can love or enjoy you. He loves you right where you are. Through the blood of Jesus you’re perfectly redeemed. That means that if you’re a tennis player, then you’ve served an ace. If you’re a baseball player, you’ve hit a home run. If you’re a golfer, you’ve shot a hole in one. Do you get the point? This is what He sees. He’s not keeping a record of your mistakes or the times you blew it. His blood takes care of those things. All He sees is you—and He enjoys you. Forever you will make Him ecstatic!