Saturday, December 2, 2017


Today at the conclusion of his apostolic journey to Bangladesh—his 21st outside of Italy—Pope Francis went to the prestigious Notre Dame University in Dhaka for a meeting with young people. The pontiff advised them to trust the “wisdom of faith,” not the wisdom of the world, in their search to discover their life’s purpose.
“You are always full of enthusiasm, and I feel rejuvenated every time I meet you,” exclaimed the pope after hearing young people’s testimonies. He explained that he associates young people’s enthusiasm with “a spirit of adventure.”
We need to ensure that we choose the right path, continued the Successor of Peter, in order not to “wander aimlessly.”
“Our life is not without direction. It has a goal, which God has given us. He guides us, orienting us with his grace.”
“Software” for discerning God’s plan 
Each of us has built-in “software” that helps us discern the “divine plan.” But like any software, it must be constantly updated, by “listening to the Lord and accepting the challenge to do his will.”
The pope then indicated that, to orient ourselves, we need to follow the wisdom that is born of the faith, and not of that of the world, which is “false.” To receive it, we must look at the world through God’s eyes, “listen to others with God’s ears, love with God’s heart, and evaluate things with God’s values.”
Finally, the pontiff encouraged the young people not to lock themselves up “in their own small world” by closing in on themselves. Rather, he encouraged them to open up to people of other religions, and to respect the elderly. Hope, concluded the pope, comes from a personal encounter with Jesus in prayer and the sacraments, and in the encounter with the poor and the sick.

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